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Martin Luther King Jnr's Birthday, Would he be pleased with our progress?

We Celebrate Martin Luther King Jnr's Birthday.
This is a time to reflect on where we are as a people.
Do you think Dr King would be pleased with the progress of Blacks in the US and around the world?

I invite responces from any country as Dr Kings message was felt world wide not just in the African American Community?

Re: Martin Luther King Jnr's Birthday, Would he be pleased with our progress?

This is a good question, I think that he would be pleased at the progress some African Americans have made and the positions in Government they have held i.e. C Powell and C Rice.

However I would think he would be brought to tears by the plight of so many of our people still living below the poverty line, no job prospects just drink, drugs and welfare

Re: Martin Luther King Jnr's Birthday, Would he be pleased with our progress?

I believe that Martin Luther King Jnr would be so proud of how far we have come and achieved, but in the same breathe he would be outraged and disgusted at our inability to unit as a people, We still allow petty issues to cloud us and halt us from achieving the greatness he foresore for us.

Re: Martin Luther King Jnr's Birthday, Would he be pleased with our progress?

I Agree with everyone he shshould be please and stuff, What? I Don't know what to say exept Happy Birthday Martin Luther Kind JR!!!!! I was Born on that day!!!!! January 17, 1987!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and No one Loves me not even any celebrity in the whole!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one Cares about me No one didn't even wish me a happy 18th birthday!!!!!!!!

Re: Martin Luther King Jnr's Birthday, Would he be pleased with our progress?

Michael King a.k.a Martin Luther King is dead. There is no use in speculating about how he would feel. it is time to move on. His dream has been fulfilled. Black boys and girls are doing more than playing together they are having sex and getting married.

Most black people are stagnated looking to dead people and their dreams. It was ONLY a dream it was not a vision. It is time for the entire black population to wake up and stop looking to the past for comfort. There is none there. If you look to the past at all look and see how gullible we have been. Look and see how we have been taught to hate ourselves. Look have we have been taught to be ashamed. Look how we have been taught to:

1. Call our oppressors god
2. Pray to our oppressors
3. Pay tithes to our oppressors
4. Forgive our oppressors when they are trying with everything in them to destroy us.
5. Worship our oppressors
6. Look to our oppressors for help
7. Think like a slave without visible chains

In the end we remain powerless while our oppressor becomes more powerful daily. Nothing is as it seems and Martin Luther King was not the great hero that people have painted him out to be. Neither is Jesse Jackson who was a close friend of King.

Martin Luther King is not the only person to die for a cause. Only a fool will believe everything that they are told. Black people need to stop looking to others and learn how to become self-sufficient.

One holiday and one 28 day month out of the year is nothing. But it is enough to keep most black people content. It is a compromise.

Why does racism still exist? Because 90% of the entire black population is comfortable with the situation. Before there can be any change we have to look at ourselves and invoke change. Black people are not willing to do this. The preferred method is to look to the dead...after all dead people do not complain about the living.

There needs to be change!!!

Rev. T Shepherd
The Eternal House of Seremony