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Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

What do people think about what Bill said. I have discussed this with some friends and even though his words are very controversial i do actually agree with most of what he said. Our kids are growing up talking and behaving like thugs and many parents cannot steer there kids in the right direction as many are kids themselves. I don’t think we should loose our identity however there is a time and place for everything and our kids and young adults should know how to behave in certain surroundings. Any thoughts anyone?

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

I totally agree with what Mr Cosby said. The way many of our community talk and carry themselves is not appropriate when going for jobs in the corporate world.

Re: Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Bill Cosby seems to be one of the few black celebrities who has a sense of values for what is good and wholesome. I salute him for not being afraid to speak out and I totally agree with him!

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Your son was killed so you can't say anything!

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Your comments are very insensitive. Mr Cosby is expressing an opinion which i agree with.

From your comment i guess you are one of the people he has been talking about

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

well Chris i'm not saying something bad about him but i think how can you say something like that and your son was killed.

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Do you actually know the circumstances around Bill Cosby's Sons death; he was a successful business man, husband and father. He was shot while changing his car tire.

Now please tell me why his death should stop Bill Cosby from saying the things he has.

Bill Cosby has been raising his concerns about the way many parents are bringing up their children.
He feels that in many ways we help steer our kids down the wrong path. Although I accept some kids are bad no matter what you do, I also agree with his comments regarding bad parenting and low expectations.

I hope you understand why I disagree with your comments


Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

i don't know what's going on with cosby but i love him and i don't care what they said about him. if he did do it he knows what a mistake is and hopfully he want do it again. get this message Cosby i love you !

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Bill Cosby is absolutely correct in his views on the young people, Im a coach and i see the disrespect they have for each other, or just people in general on a daily basis, something unheard of from most children of the 70's and early 80's. if your feelings were hurt by Bill's comments, its because youre either one of those parents or one of the youngsters. - Peace to you all - Kredit

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Bill Cosby is right on the money about everything he says. But why is it out of every black person i've ever known (i'm white so i might not know quite as many as some of the posters on this site), he is the only one who will say that stuff. Actually, i'd also like to know what would be said if i went and started a magazine and published it in all the stores with a title like "White Issue"? How come there isnt a tv channel called the white entertainment channel? How come there is a black history month nationally celebrated in the US, but no month noting the very best white people, or the fact that our independence only gets one day, not even a month? Is it simply because of the numbers? or the fact that many magazines or tv channels are already considered to be for whites? (EVEN WHEN THEY AREN'T). Why cant the channels for black people, or the months for black people, or the magazines for black people have a title that doesnt attempt to segregate. I saw on ESPN where one of the basketball players from the latest olympics said the team was racist towards blacks (there was not a single white person on the team!!!). Again, im not trying to get in a fight, i seriously am curious, because out of my people i consider my best friends, two are black and they wont give me any answers. From a white's perspective, (a non-racist white i might add although reading this might not sound that way), from a whites perspective, when i see or hear absurb comments like richard jefferson's about the racist olympic dream team, all that does is stir racial arguments in my head that i never had thought of before. I wathced and rooted for that team this past year, and never said or even thought about the fact no white people were on the team, but because he decides to start in with the racist issue (about an all-black team), it makes me, and im sure other whites start to get feelings about him and maybe other black people we didnt' have before. Then when a black analyist on tv agreed with him, it just adds to my feelings, but without him making those absurb remarks i would have never felt that way. This is just one example, it happens every single day and it seems like to me that i hear black people talk about racism more and more, i rarely see or hear a white person talking about racism unless its in an attempt to stop it or end it somehow. Slavery has been long gone, i dont owe any black person anything because of what my ancestors did, simply i owe every person black or white or whatever the same respect of being a person, at least until i meet them. I realize there are many whites and blacks alike who hate each other, and issues will always arise, but having channels on the main cable or magazines in every corner shop that identify with black people by actually saying it in the title, rather than by the material of the show or in the magazine, or clothing lines such as FUBU (which please correct me if im wrong means for us by us , and the "us" means blacks) seems to me to be promoting what a lot of black people dont want, and that is segregation and racism.

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Ref to the writer asking about race, first of all i would guess youre between 15 and 20, second until you become a history major you will never understand the plight of struggle no matter what the race is. As for BET, the only used to be black owned station in the country, now owned by VIACOM, your people. As for white entertainment stations, dont you watch channels one thru 300, for whites by whites, dont you watch soaps, 1 negro per episode, white history month is every day in america my friend, all you gotta do is be black for 1 hour and watch your life change drastically, so go to school, study some history, and just wait till you get a little older, you will really see what america is all about. Take care of yourself, I wish you all the best, truly - Kredit

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

To the 'Not tryin to start a fight' person: I don't really understand why you feel it necessary to ask these kinds of questions, as there is already plenty of information available. Try visiting your local library or bookshop or contacting your local Council and asking them.

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

ok, i apologize if i upset anyone, i'm not blind or stupid about the fact that there is so much in the world, and in the united states with white people on it, but if segregation and racism is the issue, then why create tv channels or shows or magazines or what not directly promoting segregation?? why cant it be the hip hop entertainment channel? if CMT (country music television) were to change their name to the White Music Television, we would have an uproar. I realize also bet shows white people on it and cmt shows black people, but the fact remains, it isn't the white people doing the segregation, its the black people who are doing it. If we had a college that was designed specifically for whites, again, there would be an uproar. Also, when you tell me to watch the channels and stuff and see one black person per soap opera, there also has to be consideration by both parties, black and white that the fact remains population plays a role on who is going to be on a show. I grew up watching the cosby show, the jeffersons, and also cheers and three's company, and never did i think a thing about the black and white difference. (maybe i dont think like a typical white person or a typical black person??) i apologize again for stirring up trouble, different things happen and just trigger me to want some information. Just like when the all black basketball team the represented america (nobody said anything about them being all black, they volunteered to play, and then were selected), then turned around and called america racist.

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Sincere you just dont get it, you dont have to call cmt the white music channel, White america dont have to call anything white, its a known fact that white america rules, there wouldnt be a BET if white america invites black america into things, the all black basketball team was selected by white america dear, like you i didnt grow up thinking about those things, thanks mom, i have a great mom, you just have to be open minded to things. Youre the one who appears to be upset about black things, you must be a racist in hidding, who cares about an all black team representing america these days, no one but you, bet youre a redsox fan huh, do you live in boston, ever been to mass, i have ever been treated bad in the new modern century because of your color, no i didnt think so, i have, i consider myself a good citizen, hard working man, served my country well for quite a while yet when you see me all you see is black, so as i said before be black for one minute and watch your world change drastically. - i do enjoy talking to ya - take care - kredit

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Yo, Sincere, lighten up a little, I to wish America was truly one america but its not, you just have to hope your children grow up and respect each person for who she or he is. Reach one Teach one my friend. - Kredit

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Hey Sincere, one more question are you an advocate for black race car drivers, have you seen any in the pitstop lately, do you really care if all races of people are equal or is it just the brothers from bet and the nba. I really want to know how you feel about that. - Kredit

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

alright, i appreciate your answers, the worlds a very unfair place and everyone's gotta do what they gotta do to make it fair, you all take care

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Hey Sincere, I hope youre weekend is full of joy and luv, a nice day to ya, take care - Kredit

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Mr/Ms sincere questions
Which ever the case...first off you need to post your e mail address so those of us that might have time...can reply directly to you if need be...don't be scared...don't throw rocks and hide your hand...and don't hide behind text...ok.
now our black youths receives very small amounts of black history in our public schools across this great of ours. how much black history is taught in the school system you go to or went to...I mean taught on
a week to week basic's ? none right!
If this is true and you got can you even start to know any thing pertaining to us,but we're expected to learn
the history of this country and be minus out of the history - when the history is in great part ours to...
We pay tax into the system for public schools...
and your monies we put in should grant the history
being told the right way,to including our contributions as a people...your school won't, our's won't, but now colledge's are requiring it today.
Afro-American studies... so in essense you better get ready to learn something,some thing in the nature of the truth...go study african american history than you come and talk to see we're required to study yours, now study ours!...don't be scared...drop me a line please your thinking can be reshaped with a little truth ,it might make you a better person, then at lest you might just stand up....and have a right opinon for once in your life

Bill Cosby is right on the money about everything he says. But why is it out of every black person i've ever known (i'm white so i might not know quite as many as some of the posters on this site)


Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Bill Cosby is right to continue his attack on the way some are bringing up their children.
We are Breading Thugs and Girls not willing to work for what they want so they become indirect prostitutes. It's a very sad situation
I think Bill is right to continue what is a wake up call

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Got any programs or ideas for helping people addicted to smoking cigarettes, alcohol, and other drugs both legal and illegal. Got any programs for helping to raise the children of those addicted parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, teachers, preachers, politicians and presidents. Got any programs or ideas for improving housing, schools and environment in the inner cities. In a special report by Marc Morano for CNS News on July 02, 2004, Morano says, "Bill Cosby pleaded with blacks to stop blaming the 'white man' for their problems." And yet in the same article he says,"I couldn't care less about what white people think about me at this time." Cosby continues, "Let them talk! What are they saying that is different from what their grandfather said? What are they doing or trying to do to us that their grandfathers didn't try to do to us?"

Now I don't know about you but that sounds like blaming the white man to me. And in case you're not convinced, Cosby continues, "And they [black children] have to know about those people hanging [during the civil rights struggles] and how when they did hang them on a Sunday, the theme song was "Amazing Grace." That is what they sang when the bodies were hanging. Your children don't know that, your grandchildren don't know it," he said.

Lynchings go back to slavery days. Our children should know the truth about chattel slavery, the Middle Passage, capitalism, white supremacy and the history of the USA. Our children need to know we love them and their parents. Cosby and all his supporters need to learn how to love all people unconditionally.

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

I think Bill Cosby is right in many ways about the way many are bringing up their children. I know of one woman who gets upset if her kids act proper and is only happy when they look and act Ghetto.
We have to find a way to stop the ROT. What Bill is doing is something to be commended not ridiculed.
Has anyone else noticed that as soon as he starts doing something positive for black people then stories and old accusations come out of the wood work.

Keep up the good work Bill I Support You

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

I think people are afraid of bill cosby speaking the truth about how kids should be raised because they seem to be attacking him so they hide thier own fears by saying awfull things to him. Its sad that bad things happen to good people/all people and just like mr. cosby said God has plan for each of us. And maybe that was his plan for his son. If your were in his situation how would you feel? Its called freedom of speech and in my book mr. cosby had every right to speak the truth, parents out there dont care what thier children are doing beacuse if so then therre would be less guns on the street and violence and gangs. so dont say anything like you dont have the right to speak because your son died YOUR WRONG HE DOES!!!!!

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Why do so many blacks agree with what bill cosby has to say about the way we bring up our kids.The only reason he is where he is today is because a white man gave him a chance. Why did BC have to tell all of white america how bad black kids are being raised-Bill needs to address some of his own problems starting with infidelity and groping women. As soon as the new media caught wind of what he said, he knew that statement would please every racist white person in america. If BC is so concern about how we raise our kids why don't he and some of his rich black brothers put their money together and build us a general motor plant or buy us a television station so every job we get is not given to us by whites. Black americans have no leaders- no unity among us, no sense of why we hate each other- why we kill each other-why we let the government give our black women money to stay home and why nobody will tell them they are being paid to stay in their place-why not demand that if they receive this money they should go back to school-why so many black fathers abandon their kids-why do so many black men sell drugs to our kids-yes the white man fly the drugs over here but you don't have to sell them in your own community-Ask Bill Cosby for me why he doesn't he address the real problems affecting our kids.

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

Grandmas are doing crack. Grandpas, dads, uncles, and cousins are in jail. Moms working two jobs; just to, make ends meet. So, who raises the kids?? The Street???
In ancient times, tribal elders would take young men and women; out into the bush. A small community would be built. Young women, unto themselves; and young men the same. Then, the elders would teach: teaching history; how to hunt, fish and farm; how to transact business; taught, foreign languages, and diplomacy; how to build private dwellings, for their future families; how to cook; and, even proper marital relations.
All, young men, were taught how to fight. Since these youth, were full of themselves, and longed for battle; the elders would give them staffs and spears; shields and small swords: saying to them, “You are now, our warriors; you will protect us, and our way of life.”
All, young women, were taught child care, herbal healing, and how to prepare healthy meals: meals, with ingredients, that would make the people strong.
After all these things and more, the initiates, would be returned to society. No longer children, but, young men and women: fully skilled, as contributors to the community. But, this is just the beginning, of their journey. They are not, fully adults, yet. [to be explored, next commentary]

Should not young men and women, [of all races and creeds] be initiated
into adulthood, this way???

I SAY YES. For if responsible individuals, within our community, don’t; the exploitive and wicked will.

Society, then, can not judge the result. For their input is sought,…..NOW!!!

Churches and new community organizations, must pick up, where the family and public school system has fallen.

We must stop, just, throwing our children to the wind; while, expecting the positive.

Plant good seed. For our future, depend on it’s fruit. []

Re: Bill Cosby's attack on the way we bring up our kids

I would disagree if you feel it was an attack, lets just say it was tough love and sometimes we can't handele the truth I was all for what he said maybe we would change.