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Easing The Pain

copyright 2005 LMR PUBLISHING
As I make my way each week deeper and deeper into internet marketing, I am proud to say, I pick up a new and profitable tool to use every week. This time, it is FFA's (Free For Alls). Not just any FFA. Not only posting to an FFA. But, I tried a new spin. This time, I decided to OWN, an FFA.
FFA's are that tiny gem of internet marketing that savvy affiliates are utilizing with great frequency. Because I own an FFA, I am able to garner targeted, double opt-in leads. Leads, that some have paid hundreds of dollars for. But, that isn't the reason I'm telling you about this. My motive is not so self serving. It is more of a sharing nature. In promoting your site or affiliate program, you have to think about your target audience. That's right, internet marketing is more than just tossing out some ads to a safelist, or buying leads. Successful internet marketing involves thinking, and prospecting. Think of yourself as a gold miner caught up in the great gold rush of the 1800's. Would you mine for gold in the Pacific Ocean, or would you go out West where gold nuggets were found?
Finding your target audience, your gold nuggets, is truly an art. First you have to understand what you have to offer. Is your offer one that someone wants? What is so special about your offer that would make a person join your program or buy your product? Is it the free tools that will drive subscribers to your site? Or is it the lure of instant riches?
Identify what the wants are. If you take a look at the offers you receive on a daily basis, you can start researching there. Most are advertising wealth, financial freedom, etc. if you become an affiliate. Some are offering safelists as a form of promotion. Yet others are relying on the sale of information to generate income. Looking at all these offers, there is one common denominator: the desire to become wealthy on the internet. But, what lies beneath the smoke and mirrors? Your customer WANTS something. It is imperative that you identify that WANT in order to generate a sale. You have to become a WANT satisfier.
In sales, there is supply and demand. A true salesperson creates demand by identifying key needs with their customers. In our business, our customers all WANT to know how to make money on the internet. They WANT to belong to the elite 5%. This becomes an endless quest for some, as well as a financial albatross. Some of my friends have confided in me astronomical amounts of money spent "investing" in various internet programs that have yet to materialize. But, what if I were to tell you that the key is targeting and focusing? Target your market, and focus on a core program or product and stick with it.
If you find one program that has all the things you believe in, and choose to market that, then my suggestion to you, is to go at it wholeheartedly. Do not become sidetracked and try to promote and join every affiliate program on the internet. You are setting yourself up for failure. Seek out a program the way you would when choosing a husband or wife. Focus on the one thing that will bring you joy, make it a target, and go for it!
This brings me back to FFA's. Owning an FFA will allow you to receive targeted leads, as well as generate an additional stream of income by any affiliate that joins under you. There are many FFA's that provide this feature. Again, you should spend a little time by asking members of your upline or downline which one they recommend. Or network with other marketers to discover this information. Remember, every piece you add to the puzzle eventually gets you closer to completing the big picture. Your potential customers are relying on you to bring some relief, some ease into their lives. Can your program or product do that? Can you ease their pain?
This week, take a close look at your marketing strategy. I know its going to be time consuming, but if you are going to make money with this thing, organizing your time, your programs is essential to success. I use an EXCEL spreadsheet to track the safelists I belong to. I recently became 90% automated by joining an automatic safelist posting company. In addition, my FFA page/ownership allows me to set up my sales letters in an autoresponder, so that I don't have to spend ungodly hours at night posting to every safelist in cyberspace! I must admit, doing these things has given me more time to pursue my real passion, writing. Without putting things in perspective the way I have, I was working harder and not smarter. Try it, and let me know how it turns out.

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