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A place for Soo Bahk Do - Tang Soo Do - Moo Duk Kwan members to connect and discuss the martial arts. *Note we reserve the right to delete any posts that are disrespectful. This is a board for Warrior-Scholars, visitors are expected to behave as such*

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A good martial artist is like a Jedi. Just don't fall to the dark side. A class Poem I wrote and wo

I had to read a poem for one of my classes but I decidedto write my own instead. I feel that the "jedi" mindset is strikingly similar to the ideal teacher as well as martial artist. The jedi are martial artists. Kinda like space samurai. I thought I did a good job and would like to share it with you. I do have the copy rights to this, but if you would like to use this for something, email me and chances are I'll give authorization.


A good teacher is like a Jedi

When asked, Yoda said,
“Like a Jedi Knight, a teacher must be.
Be loyal and true,
And enjoy morning dew.
Crave not recognition and glory,
But enjoy a good story.
Feel the force and all its wonder,
And don’t dwell on a blunder.
Be sympathetic and kind,
And always make your charges mind.
Wary of evil you must be,
For do any and they will see.
A perfect figure you project,
This perception you must not neglect.
A model soldier you must become,
Or all you do may come undone.
Quarrel not with the staff,
For you may face a principal’s wrath.
The force is your ally,
And one you may rely.
A higher power you must seek,
And strive to be meek.
You must beware the Dark Side,
And know you cannot hide.
Pride, envy and fear,
Will all make your students tear.
My words you must heed well,
And steel yourself for that bell.”
Aaron Roberts

Re: A good martial artist is like a Jedi. Just don't fall to the dark side. A class Poem I wrote an

Way to go Aaron...keep up the good work but don't quit your day job...just kidding...take care, I really enjoyed the poem.