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Warrior-Scholar Discussion board

A place for Soo Bahk Do - Tang Soo Do - Moo Duk Kwan members to connect and discuss the martial arts. *Note we reserve the right to delete any posts that are disrespectful. This is a board for Warrior-Scholars, visitors are expected to behave as such*

Warrior-Scholar Discussion board
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Master Pak's seminar (for Leviathan)

I would have sent this direct to you, but I don't have your email.
GM Pak has admitted that the cost iw WAY too high. He himself charges about $40 for 2-3 hours.
He does a good seminar, but not sure if it is worth that. Ed Samane set the cost. He tried to make me pay it too last year & I was going to help GM Pak teach it. lol

If you want, emial me direct & I'll try to find out the subject of the seminar.