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Henry Murphy CD Books

I just received my CD books by Henry Murphy today. I received a seminar CD...not bad...kinda interesting...and his Tang Soo Do Vol. 2 today. Now vol. 2 was fantastic. Especially when you realize when this was first published. The CD also has forms demonstrations on it. While I recognized almost all of these forms...I was wholely intriqued by the variations I saw among a couple of them. I liked what I saw.

OK...I'm going to let a cat out of a bag here folks. It was Henry Murphy who years ago figured out that the Tae Keuk Kwan form used by the MDK was the Yang Style in 88 forms. While some have claimed this form is too modern to have been something Hwang Kee learned in China in the late 30's....that may or may not be so. We only know that the 88 form was adopted officially in the 1950s. That's not to say it wasn't being taught in some form prior to this. Also...the 88 form most of us have seen is not exactly like the form illustrated in Hwang Kee's Soo Bahk Do Dae Kahm. And no...I'm not specifically referring to the fact he only showed 1/2 the form in his book. The truth about the 88 form is it is actually a two man set with the first half being one side...and the second half being the compliment that fits as the opponent to the first half. That may very well be the reason Hwang Kee only showed the first 1/2 of the form and simply called it Tae Keuk Kwon. was Hank Murphy who first turned me on to this info. As far as I can tell...even if someone else had put two and two together about the Tae Keuk Kwan was Hank Murphy who was the first to really lock it down and actually being willing to share what he knew about it. And...given the time period when he told me about....that was extraodinary! Nobody was that giving with information back then. Nobody!

So Kudos to Master Murphy and to his son for getting these CD's put together. I'll certainly be looking to purchase more from them!

John Hancock

Re: Henry Murphy CD Books

Thanks for letting the cat out. Ill be ordering one soon. What is the order info?

Re: Re: Henry Murphy CD Books

Here is the web link to their order form. You'll have to print it out and send them a money order. But Bobby Murphy will take care of you...guaranteed.