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Searching Ferraro and Mazzone family line from Gioiosa Jonica

I am a student at the University of Notre Dame and was doing some research for a scholarship when I became interested in finding my family history. I came to this site by pure accident but, since I want to visit Italy soon, I am interested in finding some of my family in the US and Calabria. My grandmother's name is Rose Mazzone and she said her grandfather had 29 children, some of which survive in Italy. My grandfather's name is Nick Ferraro. If anyone can give me any information on either of these names, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Re: Searching Ferraro and Mazzone family line from Gioiosa Jonica

As you can see, my name is Ferraro and I was born and raised in Sharpsburg Pa. a suburb of Pittsburgh. My grandfather came from San Pietro en Guarano when he was 17. I don't know if he had any brothers or not. He died when I was only 4 and I never got any more information than that about the family.

There is a site for San Pietro and the phone book there still lists about 30 Ferraro's.

Good luck in your search.


Re: Searching Ferraro and Mazzone family line from Gioiosa Jonica

My greatgrand Mothe was Maria Ferraro, from Civita, CS. Italy

Re: Searching Ferraro and Mazzone family line from Gioiosa Jonica

Hi there my name is Alex Mazzone and I am a University student from Toronto, Canada. My grandfather is from Gioiosa Jonica his name is Rocco Mazzone. Maybe we are related somehow. Email me back when you get a chance. Thanks.

Alex Mazzone

Re: Re: Searching Ferraro and Mazzone family line from Gioiosa Jonica

my father comes from Mammola (RC) Calabria,
tha name of my grandfather is Giuseppe Mazzone
my father is Agostino Mazzone and my Uncle's name is Luciano Mazzone.
I'm Alex Mazzone like you, i live in Turin (Italy)!
is too crazy!
deh-eh-ehh!! ;)

Re: Searching Ferraro and Mazzone family line from Gioiosa Jonica

Hello Lisa just like you I to stumbled upon this site and found it quite intriguing. Though I am not related to the Ferraro name. I know of one family who presently resides in Toronto, Canada. Originally they were from Belvedere(CZ). I hope this information has been useful to you. Good luck in your quest.