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Finding relatives in italy

I am trying very hard to find relatives in italy. My grandfather came to the US in 1910. He left behind several brothers and sisters. I would like to find some cousins. He was born in Nicastro, Italy June 29, 1894 Vincenzo Ferraiuolo son of Giuseppe Ferraiuolo and of Teresa Matarazzo. Any help or direction anyone can give me would be greately appreciated. I plan on traveling to Italy in August 2003. Thank you!

Re: Finding relatives in italy

Je m'appelle Marie FERRAIUOLO, je suis née à Nicastro le 27/11/1947, fille de Vincenzo FERRAIUOLO. Je pense que nous sommes cousines, en effet, mon grand-père s'appelait Francesco FERRAIUOLO et devait être parent avec votre grand-père (frère ou cousin). Je vais me renseigner auprès de ma famille en Italie. Où habitez-vous ? Moi j'habite à MARSEILLE en FRANCE.
Merci de me répondre soit en anglais, soit en français.

Re: Finding relatives in italy

Hi Denise

There is a good to narrow down the regions where your name is at. Then go to this will give you everyone who has a phone. Write to a couple of them. If nothing else you will get feed back of worng areas or good ones to try.