Hi I have an 8 year old son who seems to be very outgoing on the surface yet I keep hearing stories that he plays on his own everyday, never wants to invite anyone over or have sleepovers....It is starting to upset me and I don't know how to raise the subject with him.
He has been like this for sometime now, his dad and I separated over 5 years ago and I have a new partner which Harrison's gets on famously with, I'm not sure to take him to a child therapist or something any advice welcome
Hello! First, give him a chance. I mean if he is an only child he might naturally play and that's good. When he is alone does he play, or do nothing? If he plays that's great. Secondly, who is it that tell you he plays alone? Are they reliable in what they say or are you prompting the answer by your question? Thirdly, are you and your new partner ougoing when you are with him? Perhaps you both work s when he sees you both you are tired and at home so he follows suit. Find some play groups where you can go together him and one of you where you all sing in a group or play catch togeher. It often requires a grown up to get these things happening, the cild might not magically do it from nowhere. Get your ex-partner to take him to similar groups so that he has continuity of activity. Not the same groups but maybe the same type such as where there are group playtimes. Especially where he can make something art work jumping anything like that that all the others are making too, so he can have shared times. Finally ask him if there's anything wrong, not about plaing in groups, but is he hungry, thirsty, cold. Is all ok at school, no other child said something unpleasant.