My 5 year old grandsons behaviour has changed over the last few weeks and I wondered if anyone can offer any advice on how to deal with it. Up until recently he has been very polite and well behaved, however he started off being a little cheeky, but this has now escalated to the point of doing a poo and playing in it, and on a seperate occasion weeing in his bedroom dustbin (to name but two instances).
His Mom has always been very patient and undertanding with him but is finding it difficult to understand why he is behaving in this way. She is strict with the children (a girl of 8 and a boy of 8 months) but never resorts to smacking. He is sent to bed, or has favourite toys taken away from him as punishment but nothing is working, in fact he is getting worse by the week.
He is a very clever boy who is doing well at school (though he hates going to school), and has always been very close to his Mom. His mother & father are estranged, though the father sees the children every weekend. He will not go out anywhere with his father, if his mother doesn't go too so I do not think it is anything to do with his parents living apart (which they have done since he was a baby).
The 'pooing' and 'weeing' is a big concern at the moment so any advice would be appreciated.
' He will not go out anywhere with his father, if his mother doesn't go too so I do not think it is anything to do with his parents living apart (which they have done since he was a baby).'
I find that sentence confusing, if he won't go out with his father without his mother present too then EITHER there is a problem with his dad OR his mother is overprotective AND/OR this little boy is very good at manipulation and you do say he's very clever.
If I were his mum I'd start sending him to his dads on his own. I think if mum and dad take back control and stop giving in to his demands it will help the current behaviour, it sounds like he's got some ultimate plan (perhaps of mum and dad playing happy families on a more permanant basis?) and has upped his game because his current tactics aren't working.
Do you think maybe his mum and dad are hanging onto hopes of the same? Because I'm suprised his father goes along with it.
I don't think thats really what you were expecting but I hope it helps.
It seems that my grandson is/was being bullied at school (quite badly). He has now opened up to us about what has been going on, so his Mom is trying to deal with it along with the staff at the school.
His behaviour has improved for now, and if he starts to 'act up' again I think it will be an indication that things are happening again.