My husband and I recently looked after his one year old granddaughter for a day. She was totally delightful and behaved extremely well, was happy and played, smiled, slept and ate. We took her home at the end of the day. Her father is quite a loudly spoken chap. Within minutes of being home the little girl smacked her daddy and bit his hand, to which he told her this was naughty and said no. He was pretty loud with this and also called her a "dick head". In our opinion he handles her very roughly too. I told him not to call her that and was shocked and so was my husband. She also has a habit of looking very vacant and far away quite often and scowls. I find this disconcerting in one so young. She did not behave like this with us. We are very concerned about this and wondered what to do, apart from the obvious avenue of my husband talking to his daughter, the child's mother about this. Can you help please.