Please take a moment to read this message. We are currently compiling a unique new publication which will be tremendously helpful to parents and professionals alike.
The Special Needs Handbook is a practical, easy to use problem solving guide of suggestions and tips for parents, carers and professionals encountering day to day issues.
We are compiling all the good ideas and practical solutions to everyday problems that parents and therapists have tried and tested over the years together in one publication. Once compiled, the book will be made available free over the internet, with the possibility of publishing it (not for profit) and making it available through shops.
We need your help!
Please send us at least one tip (or more if possible ...) to:
All contributors whose ideas are original and published in the book will be sent a free copy - so be sure to include your name and address along with the tip or tips you send in.
With all best wishes and thanks for working together with us to make this successful.