What do I do!!! He says he can't help it, he's never done it before. it's been going on for a few months. He says there is nothing happening at school but he does it at least 3-4 times a week. I'm at my witts end and scream at him, even though I'm sure that's the wrong approach. Am I the only one facing this?
I just went thru the same thing last year with my now 10 year old. It is not easy and really frusterating. I first would recommend you to take him to his doctor to rule out a medical reason for this. Also, I was informed by my sons ped. that this is SOMETIMES one of the sighns boys have if they have been sexually abused. Is he just pooping in his pants or does he smear it on things? Is there any reason to suspect sexual abuse? If all this is ruled out, then there are several ways to correct this. It is not hopeless and it did take me about 6 weeks to get him back on track. I can share with you how I did this if you would like. email me anytime and I would be happy to help and be there for support as I understand.
Re: Re: my 8 year old started pooping in his pants
thanks so much. I have no reason in the world to suspect sexual abuse. There's no smearing or any signs of anger. He's a very happy child, does well in school and has not changed his attitude in any way. He just told us that he is embarrased to have to stop and tell people he's with that he has to go to the bathroom. We're working on it from that perspective at the moment.
But I'd be happy to listen to what you did to get your issues solved!