Hiya everyone,
Im writing to ask for some advice regarding my 3r old son.
He gets up in a morining and goes in the fridge and takes food and drink up to his room and makes a mess.
One day he went down and got the chesse,bread,butter,juice and sugar and went up stairs to make himself a chesse sandwich getting the chesse and all other ingrdents everywhere.
We have tryed moving things chairs, buckets etc from his room and from the kitchen, we have locked the bottom gate to which he had learned how to clime over,we even locked him in his room with an hook and eye and he managed to break it.
It's not just costing me lots of money to replace the items he wastes but also it's not good for his health when he drank a one litre bottle of undiluted juice!
We have taked about taking him to see a specialist but i dont want them to make me feel like i have failed as a mum.
I also want to get it sorted because i don't want to run in to problems when he's older and have a obese son on my hands.
He talks back to me and my partner and never listens to what we say.
I have had enough of all this and don't know what to do.
Put a lock on your kitchen door and lock it when needed, a proper one with a key if he can undo others, we have a chain on ours at the top of ours.
Clever 3 year old btw. Makes his own sandwiches, breaks through child locks and finds solutions to problems...smart kid! I can't imagine why you think you've failed, just a bit wearing being faced with the mess every morning.