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13-year old getting up in the morning

my 13- year old does not get up in the a.m. until I threaten taking away privileges. I drive him to school on my way to work, he is always a few minutes late, and so am I.....It is so frustrating. He spends too much time in the shower once he does get up too. I'm at my wits end....we've tried having him going to bed earlier (9:30), and it doesnt make any difference....HELP

Re: 13-year old getting up in the morning

Does the school do anything about his late arrivals? Mine get instant detention, if there not doing anything about it ask them to and let him make his own way home afterwads. I wouldn't drive him in anymore either. If he wants a lift he needs to be ready on time, otherwise let him get there under his own steam.

Re: Re: 13-year old getting up in the morning

Yes, he does get detention, doesn't bother him. takes the late bus home....then he loses priviledges at home 'again' nothing seems to phase him...thanks for replying

Re: Re: Re: 13-year old getting up in the morning

This may sound cruel but why not try a water bottle. If he doesnt get up the first time you call him, spray him with water. Maybe he'll figure it out after a few days of a rude awakenings.

Re: Re: Re: Re: 13-year old getting up in the morning

Too funny, my girlfriend suggested that, and I actually tried it...didn't work...he got really really really was kinda cruel,but thanks for the suggestion.