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Anger management

We made friends at Church with these nice people with only one child-beautiful friendly girl 3 years old very mature for her age BUT she has a temper like nothing I ever seen before! We have 3 children (17 years/13years and 8 years)
When ever something does not go her way she SCREAMS at the top of her voice. Both parents jumps to her rescue and so WHATEVER it takes to silence her screams
Our Son is 8 years old not a difficult child well behave so when he touches anything she screams, he gives it to her immediately and both her parents is cross with him because he made her scream.
How do we deal with this?
Her parents is well educated, older people and we enjoy the same interests
At this stage we feel our child is not benefitting from this experiences and bad behaviour and rather wants to call the friendship off but unfortunately this is whet all their friends do. We would rather approach them with advice
Thank you for your advice If we are wrong and just ol fashioned I would like to hear that as well.

Re: Anger management


Could you explain what makes this little girl scream? Is it your son touching her toys or his toys? Is she just atrocious at sharing or does she just want what your son has?

Re: Re: Anger management

Hi Nicci
Thanks for your reply.
It is quite a problem-she screams for every thing! they can play with either of their toys, the puppies what ever and just as the mood takes her she screams and wants what ever he has. Last night she tipped a glass of cool drink on the carpet, her father send her to fetch a cloth and their she went off!! He must fetch the cloth she don't want to.He then stands up fetch the cloth and cleans the mess. She stops screaming as soon as she gets her way.

Re: Anger management

She sounds quite a madam!!!! Does your son get upset by the behaviour? Maybe a quiet word to him saying that if it's not his fault, he doesn't have to give in and you'll support him as he isn't doing anything wrong.....
We once befriended a 'difficult' woman and her family. Other people did walk away from her eventually usually, and we chose not to.... we became godparents to one of the children and still see the children from time to time. She was impossible sometimes and eventually she left her husband and took her children to Canada! (I live in the UK). However, it wasn't effecting our children.... If your son is having problems I would probably cool the friendship down. If he is ok.... maybe just chat to him and see how he is......

Re: Re: Anger management

Do her parents consider it a problem? If not advise you give is likely to come across as critism rather than support.If you decide to continue the friendship I would focus on reassuring your son rather than advicing her parents. Maybe arrange meet ups in places that are less stressful, the park for example where your children can go off and do there own thing if madam decides to throw a wobbler rather than in each others houses where your more or less stuck with the tantrums. (Which may also show her parents how left out she is as a consequence of her behaviour)

Re: Re: Re: Anger management

Thank you for this valuable advice. Defnitely going to do this during this holiday season! It is of no concern to her parents, they are dedicated parents and it is no trouble for them being at her service at all times.
Thanks for the advice on assuring my own son of our love and rather leave the education of the parents!!

Re: Re: Anger management

thanks Nicci taking the time to answer me.
You gave me hope and I am defnitely going with this advice. Its good to know we not alone out there and ther is also other people with the same troubles.
I decided to give her absolute security in myself, we are going away this weekend camping (my chldren are already on vacation with my parents to Mosambique) so I am going to use this "alone" time with her giving her security.
Bye Bye