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christmas present

we decided to take our son to toysrus so that we could get some idea of what he would really like santa to bring,after telling him he could choose anything he would like santa to bring, we went down every aisle,much to my husbands dissapointment he chose a doll,to be more precise a baby born doll with potty,bottle and soothers,it is blue mummy and it is a boy, what do i do ?do i buy this to make him happy or do i try pursuade him to have something else,i would be very grateful to hear if anyone has come accross this before

Re: christmas present

I have children of both sexes and so it was easy for my boy to play with dolls etc. It's not a problem. My friend who has 3 boys did buy a doll etc for one of her boys as he really liked them. It encourages caring etc... all things his future wife will thank you for!!!!!
My friends boy is now a football mad 7 year old.... a typical boy.
I know Dad's often have problem with it... but it won't be damaging to him to have a doll....In fact it'll probably do him good.

Re: Re: christmas present

My son is 5 and he has a doll too, he also does all the normal boys stuff so if its what he wants I would go with it...don't those dolls come in boys versions? Could be a compromise?

Re: Re: Re: christmas present

hi we bought the boy doll , he does like the usual cars etc too ,thankyou for your comment ,its nice to know that he isnt the only boy wanting a doll