I recently saw two TV shows regarding trans gender & intersex. Not that your son falls anywhere near these categories but what I learned from watching them was that the children whos parents accepted them and didn't feel the need to change them turned out more secure and happy in the long run. First, don't panic (easy to say when you're not the parent, I know!) but it could be a phase. If it's not and your son eventually has homosexual tendencies, is it really the worst thing in the world? The best thing you can do is allow it, don't push it either way, but accept him for who he is an what he likes at the moment. He'll probably grow out of it and laugh at himself when he is an adult when you tell him what he did! If it still doesn't sit right, seek a professional and just discuss it with them. No matter what, just keep loving him the way you do and he will be a happy person because of it.