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My immature 12 yr old boy

My son is going to high school after summer and I am worried about how he will settle I currently liaise with a home link worker and child and adult mental health services about him but am still at a loss at understanding his behaviour. He annoys other kids and aggravates situations until there is retaliation and he gets hit then claims he is being bullied- several fall outs with the school has made me realise the situation, he is now claimimg he is bullied at home because he does not get his own way, he has no motivation even if it is in his own best interest and is very sulky and can be withdrawn it is impossible talking to him because he does not know why he does the things he does i cant give up on him as he is my son but i feel so mentally drained with him i dont know what to do next. Do you have any advice?

Re: My immature 12 yr old boy

Thats an awful lot of attention he's getting for his sulking.

Might not seem the most helpful comment but its the thing that jumps out at me, that his behaviour is getting him results. Perhaps time to keep meetings and appointments seperate from him and get on with your day with his behaviour taking as little effect as possible. However having said that if he doesn't realise how his behaviour affects others then take the bullying seriously because from his point of view thats what it is...and noone should be hitting him regardless, there are ALWAYS other options.