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My badly behaved 8 year old

Please help, my 8 year olds behaviour is becoming a real problem. I have four sons of which he is the youngest. I know children can be naughty at times thats just normal but kierran seems to be naughty most of the time, there is no reasoning with him and he is constantly demanding things. He is also aggressive with his 10 year old brother, really quite vicious at times, I ended up spending last saturday in casualty because I thought kierran had broken his hand by whacking his brother so hard with a skateboard! I have brought all my sons up the same, my eldest two are 18 and 21 and have grown up to be well adjusted men and make me very proud. I just don't know where we have gone wrong with Kierran, he was born 7 weeks premature and I sometimes wonder if this might have something to do with it. When he was a baby he hardly ever slept he used to wake up every hour through the night until he was 3 years old. When he is good (which is seldom) he is a lovely boy. In the past I was giving him omega three supplements and that really did seem to help only now he is refusing to take them.My husband and I just don't know what to do with him, we telling him all the time. I have tried to sit down and talk to him to try and determine why he bahves so badly but he is quite a shy boy and won't open up to me. I would be grateful for any advice. It just goes to show it doesn't matter how many kids you have you'll never be an expert!

Re: My badly behaved 8 year old

I can rememer clearly a friend saying to me 'I used to think I was a good mother until I had XXXXXX and then I realised that YYYYYY was just a good child'. This really stuck with me... and my youngest (of 3) was far, far more difficult as a baby and pre-schooler than my other 2. Thankfully she is now 9 and great... I am aware she might become very difficult in the teenage years. I think it is because she is different child to my other 2. She is very wilful and has always been determined to make her presence felt.
What is your son like at school? If his behaviour is poor at school too, maybe there is an underlying cause for the behaviour? Discuss this with the teacher if this is the case.
If he is only like this at home... then this is harder...
As far as the omega 3 goes.... good you get in omega 3 eggs, bread etc? Fish etc. My son takes omega 3 intermittently and at the moment I'm trying to do this with his diet. He has eggy bread etc for breakfast... you can get omega 3 eggs, bread, margarine? etc and it is in fish naturally.
Good luck with your son... sorry I'm not much help here.... He probably has no idea why he's behaving like this, but can you ask school/GP etc for help now to prevent further issues in the future. They SHOULD listen to you... you are an experienced parent who just needs a little support here......