My 5 Year old Son is never try to interact with anyone.
Following are the concerns about my 5 Years old Son:
He doesn't pay attention when anyone trys to intract with him.
He doesn't intract even with parents unless necessary.
He always runs while talking himself inside the home.
He never play together with other kids. He never turnup if he is called even 4 times.
He never following the instrutions in the pre-school, he is the oddest boy in the school.
He enjoys watching TV(NOGGIN channel, etc).
He is very interested to study books and he remembers what he read in the books very well.
Re: My 5 Year old Son is never try to interact with anyone.
I would take him to the doctor and ask to get him refered to a peadiatrician. He's probably just introvert, but it won't do him any harm to get checked over. Doctors don't like to rush to diagnose these days so they will usually (depending on where you live!) be very thorough and go over every eventuality. My daughter was a bit like this, but she had hearing and speach and language problems which have since been successfully treated, and she is a relatively 'normal' child now.