Hi, I wonder if anyone could offer me any advice. My son who is 5 used to be a brilliant sleeper he'd go from 7pm to 7am every night no problems, but the last few weeks he's been going to bed at 7 and just lying awake until about 9pm then waking at 6am. Its making him tired ratty and miserable during the day. His concentration is dwindling too. He's one of those children who needs his sleep! I've tried keeping him up later in the evenings tried going for long walks and to the park after school but it just makes him more ratty and doesn't seem to help.
I've asked him if there's anything upsetting him and apart from being tired he's a very happy little boy with lots of friends, he's doing well at school his teacher has no problems with him I just don't understand!
Is it just one of those changes that we both just need to adjust to?
hi i dont know if this helps butwhen my 5 year old started school at first it seemed to many hours for him and he started to get passed tired if you not what i mean the body gets over tired then they cant settle, he became more mardy towards end of week and started not eating his teas because he was to tired but wouldnt switch of then his nights got worse,on bad days i pcked him up at dinner a couple of times just to get him to rest in his own enviroment, hes nearly six now and his little body has gradually got used to the hours i wonder if its all part of addapting hes less tired now and the nights have gradually got better even though he still has a drink of milk at the side of his bed that he gets in the night otherwise he shouts me for it,but my son has never slept in he still gets up between 5 30 and 6,which ha always been the same.good luck i have anothe boy teenager they get to that age then they dont want to get up lol all change again.
Have you tried making bedtime a bit earlier? Later is the one we usually think of but sometimes earlier is the solution especially if his days have become busier with school and all the stimulation it provides his mind.
Worries at school don't need to be big things, it could be something as simple as what game he's going to play at breaktime, things that aren't big enough to bother him during the day but niggle at bedtime.
Thanks, I will try earlier although by the time we get in from school have dinner and bath etc its normally around 6:30pm But could perhaps try to aim for bed at 6:45pm.
I know what you mean, he came home crying on Friday because no one would sit with him at lunch and he had to sit with the girls, he was quite upset! His teacher says they all get over tired and ratty before the end of term. I also think he's had a fall out with his best friend but he won't talk to me about it. His teacher says they've been inseperable since sept and now they're starting to grate on each other. Reckon that could be a big cause of his sleeping.