hi,my twelve year old cousin displays repeitive behaviour patterns.she is promblematic in school she has what she describes in her own words a compulsions to pull out earrings but she cannot controll herself.she talks about with a certain relish or enjoyments as she tells you storeys although she express that she knows this is wrong.she would be quiet alienated at school because of her behaviour.another recent thing her parents fail to take stock of is a eye twitch that they think she is putting on.should i be concerned.help would be appreciated
If she is generally well cared for and the parents are happy with their parenting methodes then its not your place to be concerned. But if they're struggling to cope or she is not cared for properly then maybe it's time for you to speak up. Seems like a part of this is about a difference of opinion on how her parents choose to handle it, which is really down to them.