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Re: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Marnie,
I don't have any answers for you and I'm just hoping you'll get some answers soon from the medical profession. Maybe it would help if your husband was able to come to some of the appointments so he could hear what is wrong from the doctors.
It doesn't help when both parents don't agree over a child, but men often do react differently when their child is not developing in the way people expect. My son has a specific learning disability and it takes time to get your head around. I can remember fluctuating between thinking everything was REALLY BAD to thinking nothing was wrong.... my husband did the same. He went through phases of 'There's nothing wrong with him' to 'Oh my word, this is sooooo bad'. This was a long time ago. My son is now 11 and was diagnosed with dyspraxia when he was 6. He is just him... the way he is... and I have learned to question what normal is.
If you are experiencing problems with his behaviour.... ask for help from the paediatrician. Be assertive.
I expected there to be a medical professional who would take control of my son's needs... and learned - quickly- that it was me who needed to co-ordinate everything. Ask for what you need.... and don't give up. If you don't fight for what your child needs, it often doesn't happen. Include the school in what's going on. If his behaviour is difficult, ask doctors to refer to beavioural programmes. Ask the school for help. Ask people how you can support your child.
Good luck..... let us know how you get on. Try to talk to your husband too.... Your husband needs educating too in parenting.... maybe the doctor can refer you both to a parenting class. The only experience we have of parenting is how we were parented... we need to learn too.

Re: Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tell his father that physical disipline does not always work the way you want it to.

yours sincerly
p.s smile void(0);