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parenting style??

What parenting style do you see as most useful and why? (permissive, authoritative, authoritarian).

Re: parenting style??

Why these three styles? None of them are good. You are only mentioning extremes. I find that the best parenting style is one in which I respect my children, including their limitations, I am always on their side, and I stay connected and peaceful.

If they do something wrong, I assume they have a good reason, or are ignorant and I offer help rather than judgment. I don't punish. You can say I lead the way, so I am authoritative, but I don't control or impose.

So I would say, I advocate responsive, respectful, peaceful and connecting kind of parenting. My favorite books to support my approach are, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves, Connection Parenting, Your Competent Child, Your child's Self Esteem and Unconditional Parenting.

Re: Re: parenting style??

Isn't the right parenting style the one that suits each individual child? Maybe I'm wrong as I have one 'perfect' but lazy child A8 student but won't lift a finger and the other angry, stroppy and helpful to his Mum!

I don't think there is a right answer!