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Daughter insecure about body hair

My daughter is 7 and has been making comments on and off (usually in the summertime) for the last couple years about her body hair. She does have an excessive amount of hair on her legs, arms and back but neither her father or I have ever commented on it. She noticed it herself and feels very embarassed because of it. A few days ago it was warm enough to wear a short sleeve shirt for the first time in a while and she made a comment about her hairy arms and how she's hairier than even the boys in her class. Then last night I noticed that her arms felt odd and realized she had used my razor. I told her that she is beautiful and shouldn't be so self concious. Deep down I completely understatnd her feelings and am wondering if there is anything I can do for her to diminish the appearance of the hair by bleaching it or using some sort of hair remover. Shaving seems like it will just make things worse and I would hate to see her dependant on a razor at such a young age. Trying to build her confidence won't continue to work much longer in this situation and I know I have to do something.

Re: Daughter insecure about body hair

A hard one. I would not send her to school and take TV and magazines out of the house. It is such a brainwash the female image with no hair. It is a shame. If not messed up with, it will pass. The hair will fall and thin out later. If you pull out of bleach it will strengthen the hair.

Really, the problem is the influences. She couldn't think of it herself. Ask if someone at school laughed at her and said anything and help her see that it just isn't true and has nothing to do with being a girl.