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2 1/2 yr old Girl Crys non stop

My little girl who will be 3 in June just crys all the time but only when shes with me, nobody belives me apart from my husband. Really dont know what to do she hardly sleeps and just crys throughout the day.
I have also got a 5 yr old boy who is getting no attention so plays up then. Please any advise will help!! I feel like i've done or am doing something wrong. Am i the only one who feels like this?

Re: 2 1/2 yr old Girl Crys non stop

I'm wondering how much stress this is causing you and if its a bit of a vicious cirlce, she cries, you get more stressed, she picks up on it and cries more?
If you think that could be about right,I would make use of as much help as is being offered, use the time to spend with your son and relieve the feeling that he's getting no attention and have some 'me' time, then I think you'll find you and your daughter will both be happier with things.