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Seeking participants for a documentary

Mentorn, a BAFTA winning television production company, has been asked by a major terrestrial channel to develop a documentary series about eating disorders.

With 1 in 50 pregnant women dealing with an eating disorder we want to take a sensitive look into why this is the case. What body image pressures do expectant mothers face? What help do they receive? We would like to go on a journey with a mum-to-be who also has an eating disorder to explore the illness, the affects and the treatments. We are also keen to find any families with two or more members who suffer with an ED. The aim is to bring previously unexplored perspectives of anorexia and bulimia to a wide audience in order to raise issues and prompt discussion.

We are therefore looking for any women who are currently dealing with an eating disorder, can relate to the above issues, and would like to become involved in this production.

Please call Clare Lynch on 020 7258 6734 or email if you have any questions or would like to contribute. Thanks.