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3 rude and disrespectful children

really need some advice about my 3 children,they are 12 (girl) 10 (boy) and 6 (boy) i also have a 4 mnth old.they have no respect for any one especially me and my main concern is my 12 yr old daughter who swears all the time,speaks to me like she would some one she dont like and then when she wants some thing from me and i say she cant have it she wonders why.she will go of stamping down the stairs and slam door for ages even when the outhers are trying to sleep.even my two boys constantly have fights and dont get on.need some advice fast,thanks in advance

Re: 3 rude and disrespectful children

Hi Kerry

The title of your message caught my eye, as I was looking for some advice myself. I do not have any advice to give you as I need it myself. I just wanted to share my problem with you and tell you I know how you may be feeing.
I have two children. A girl of 11. A boy of 6.
My 11year old girl is so mouthy and not doing well in school. I have the school on the phone every day complaining that she is mouthing off. She is direspectful to all teachers,dinner ladies, pratically all authority. I am giving out every punishment you can think of. It is not working. She is going to high school in September and I am fearful for her future. I feel that its all my fault.I have always been too relaxed and too much of a friend to her. I have ever been strict enough. Now that I have to be it is so hard to do it. I have always taught her to speak up for herself and not to be scared to say what you want. Which I feel has give her the backbone to act the way she does.
Also my son is getting a mouth on him, cheeky to me.Sometimes naughty in school. Him+sister do not get on at all. Fighting all the time. Then my daughter blames me that I favour him, because he is only 6, I look to her more to be the sensible one, but she acts younger than him sometimes.
I feel the school cannot cope wth my daughters behaviour. I do not know what I can do anymore. I've tried everything lately.There is so much tention in the house. Dont know what to do.
I hope you can sort your 3 out.I want to thankyou for listening to my story. We are not alone!!!!
Take care+be strong.
yours truly Jade x

Re: Re: 3 rude and disrespectful children

i think some house rules needs to be set, and make sure they'r not broken.For example swearing should not be permitted and should not be tolerated.yes it's nice to be a friend but children needs guidance most of all,they can make friends by themselves, just be sure what kind of friends they are and that they are ones you approve of.When setting rules and correct your children be sure to be fair and always ask you self after correction if you were fair so that next time maybe you'll handle it differently. be firm and try to let them feel the consequences of their actions, it works much better than punishment. good luck:)

Re: 3 rude and disrespectful children

Hi! I have custody of my 11 year old grand daughter and when I read your message, it was like I wrote it. Could you please tell me how things are going, and if you have any advice I could sure use it..Cathy