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Re: Bed Wetting

A tip for coping rather than curing...

Make his bed up with two sets of sheets and waterproofs (or 3 if he's wetting them twice a night) then when he wets the bed you simply take of the top lot and you have a dry bed again. Saves an awful lot of hassle in the middle of the night.

Lots of kids wet the bed, try not to worry about it, he will outgrow it when he's good and ready. The doctor can prescribe meds to help stop it if you want to go down that road. The washing is the nightmare bit to cope with especially with boys who tend to hit the duvet too. You have my sympathies!

I have to say I disagree with not giving them drinks before bed, this only teaches them to not need the loo during the night, not to wake up and go for one. With my stepson its only made it more of an issue as each night before bed he asks for a drink and has to be told no (his dad's rule not mine, I'd say yes as it doesn't make any difference so whats the point in having the battle )

Re: Re: Bed Wetting

Thanks Ellie, thats a really good idea, I'd never thought of that!

He does tend to get the duvet as well, so I rotate a couple, they take forever to dry!

Yeah you're right about the drinking thing, if he thinks he's not allowed a drink he'll want one all the more! I don't really make much of an issue it.

Re: Re: Re: Bed Wetting

7pm is a little early dont you think? lol.. sorry not trying to tell you what to do..

I started waking "my" kid up twice a night at regular interval so that he goes to toilet but since last few weeks i have cut it down to just one.. as i am a late sleeper i wake him up just before i go to bed and then there is no wetting the bed.. although there are other issues that i need to deal with :(