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12 yo girl, all resourses have been exhausted!!

she's physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive to anyone that is close to her. she lies, steals and believes she does nothing wrong. she believes that all adults are only worth using. she's had a very good life compared to most kids. she's never been without anything she needs. she's given respect but just uses it to her advantage. ie, to con someone out of something they have that she wants. she never tries the normal approach of just asking for things. all she does is take. she's stolen large sums of money from her family and thinks that's ok. there isn't anyone who is close to her that she hasn't stolen from. she's a bully at school and has gone as far as slamming a kids head against a cement wall. not once but twice. i've tried everything that i can think of. theropy, a psychiatrist, counceling, social workers. she cons them into believing that she's done nothing wrong. even tried calling the police on her but they can't do anything as long as she steals from family. and when she's given consiquences she goes to the extremes to tell everyone she can that i abuse her. i don't lay a finger on her! her consiquences consist of grounding, time outs, and taking away her favorite things &/or privilages. but nothing helps. she just gets even and the consiquences she gives us are just getting worse. it's gotten to the point that all she does is sit and sceme about what kind of pain she can give us and admits it to us! she does things to get her siblings in trouble just so she can sit there and smile and enjoy what she has caused.

i need some severe help. i don't know what to do anymore. every program costs way too much money.