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Re: Teen sleep problems

I have a 13 year old daughter who has a similar sleep routine to your daughter. It is nearly 10am on a Sat morning right now and she is still asleep. I think the teenage brain is geared that way and it is common to have trouble falling asleep and to wake up late.
If your daughter is doing fine and doesn't appear tired, there isn't a problem really!!
Just a thought, my youngest does gym and she really doesn't sleep. She is 9 and regularly isn't asleep at 10:30pm. The gym makes no difference!! On a Saturday night she gets home from gym at about 9pm having done 4 hrs of gym and she still doesn't sleep. Sometimes I think it makes her mind not stop!!! However, at sleepovers, if they are 'late', my 9 yr old is usually the first to fall asleep (at about 1 am!!!!). i am wondering whether she just sleeps more heavily than other children.

Good luck... and if anyone gives any good advice... I'll be looking for it too.

Re: Re: Teen sleep problems

'On a Saturday night she gets home from gym at about 9pm having done 4 hrs of gym '

Exercise gives you more energy, stimulates chemicals in your brain or something scientific like that so even if your bodys worn out your minds more where you say its like it makes her mind not stop you've probably hit the nail on the head

Re: Re: Teen sleep problems


Thank you for the reply! I hope someone that reads this can give us both some advice on how to slow their minds down so they can sleep. Good luck to you also!
