Thank you for your enquiry. Well, things are going ok at the moment. The first plan of action I took was to download some information on bootcamp and the like and left it where she would see it. When she did see it she asked what it was and I told her that her Mother and I could not cope with her violence any more. I said that we were concidering sending her to boot camp or maybe take her for a guided tour of the local young offenders institute. This, I think made her sit up and think about her actions because she broke down in tears pleading with us not to send her away. This lead Beth and I to having quite a grown up and calm conversation about these problems and basically it would appear that she does not have the vocabulary to argue back as most children do. Hence the violence is her way of arguing or answering back. She has been very honest with me in what she says and I respect her for that and I do think that things are looking up. I do know that she does need an insentive and I think maybe the boot camp thing could well be it. (A couple of years ago Beth and younger sister were at a stage when they were arguing every day (with out fail) and I foolishly said out of desperation that if they did not argue for a whole six months, I would pay them both £500 each. Guess what? I had to pay up. The greedy little tikes pulled it off, only just though.) So yes, I think boot camp could be the insentive she needs.
Since the big bust up there has been one situation where I have had to remind her about where she could be residing next if she didn't back down. This appeared to do the job.
So thank you for your concern, it's good to know that there are people out there who care.