Both the previous posts were awesome advice. I have a four year old, who, if he doesn't get his way at times, goes into a spiral, screaming, yelling, kicking, once even throwing his toys. I take him firmly, to his room, set him on his bed,and tell him that I don't want to talk to someone who is screaming at me, and when he calms down, I'll talk to him. Also, we have to establish that we're the boss, not the friend. I wouldn't encourage screaming and throwing things, but firm voices also help get the point across. I have a four year old, with two year old twins, and trust me, I feel like screaming most the time. When it gets very bad, I tell my son that Mommy needs some time to herself right now, and could he please find something quiet to do, ie, read a book, coloring, etc. Sometimes it even helps if you physically sit down with your child, and read with him. It encourages loving feelings, and helps the child to understand that you still love him, and aren't pushing him away.