Hi! I am four months pregnant with my x-fiances kid. We were together almost four years, threee of them while he was in prison.He is claiming the kid is not his and does not make an effort to support me in any way. to be honest he is being the biggest ******* he could be. He has been in and out of prision for the last eight years. He has an acohal promblem and has had drug promblems. He also usally has a new girlfrind every month or two. He has one now and we weren't even broke up a week.He has two other kids from two different girls. He is not aloud to see his eight year old son because he of well alot of different reasons. The main one being he lift him at a crack house with a 13 year old babysitter. His five year old daughter he does see but not on a regular ocassion. He is a parent when he wants to be. Several times when we were suppose to do things with her or have her he would have me take her home and make up lies because he had other things he'd rather do like drink. He often has a violent temper and urged me to get a n abortion. There are others things he does or says that I odn't think a father should. I don't like girls who keep the kid's dad from them. I do not feel safe letting him have rights or visitation. I was thinking supervised but someone told me that would make it easier for him to eventually get visitation of his own. What would you do??? PLease help!!!
To be honest, if he is claiming the child is not his then I would be inclined to let him carry on believing this, just to get him away from you and the baby. He WILL NOT change and the longer he is in your life, the more chance your new baby will be drawn into his lifestyle. Children learn by example and obviously the example your ex fiance will set is not the best for your child. Please be careful and give this man a very wide berth. Good luck. You are better off without him.
I wouldnt want this man in my life or my childs life, sometimes the best move in life comes to us in a whisper...do you really need or want him? find your unborn child a good father...let them bond from the begining!