I have a problem. I divorsed my daughters father because of his excessive drinking and anger. He is remarried with 2 kids. The oldest kid is having a birthday party mext weekend and they invited my daughter to attend. They wanted to know if she could spend the night that night. I told her no. I am afraid he will go into a drunken rage. i do not want her to expirence this at all! She is extreemly upset that i told her she cant spend the night. What should I do? Should I let her go, or stick by my decision?
This is a very difficult one to answer without knowing any more details. I don't know what your defenition of a drunken rage is excactly. If there is even the slightest chance that your daughter could get hurt, then if she were mine, She would not be staying over the night. Hope this helps. Good luck.
you gotta stick to your guns! I have no experiences with ex's (have 4 kids & a yummy hubby!) but a poor excuse for a father. my mum kept us safely away from the bad side and we (my bro & I) came to our own conclusions about him when we were older and understood why she wanted to protect us. If something happened would you be able to forgive yourself??