My Goddaughter is constantly beating up on my daughter, Emma. Not normal kids stuff but BEATING on her. She pulls both of her ears and yanks her down to the ground and kicks her, she bites her face, fingers, neck and feet....she slaps her in the face and on the head, pushes her down from behind and steps on her, she throws toys at her and name it. Emma is scared of her and she is starting to run away if she even gets close to her and of course she starts crying hysterically. I'm at my wits end...I'm about to tell them to not bring her over here anymore. Emma is a sweet loving child and I don't want her picking up these habits or seriously getting hurt. HELP ME..what can be done?
I want to add that her parents are just as disgusted by it all and have tried everything from a firm tone to spanking and as soon as you let her go she's right back at it. These people are our best friends....and the girls are only four months apart.
When there is misbehavior esp. physically you all her parents & yourself need to find a naughty spot! Put the child there explain why she is there in a low tone at her level on your knees. When the child gets up cause they will you put them back on the naughty spot without saying a word, you do this for whatever minutes the child is. when the timmer is done go to the child tell them to say sorry to you for acting up & give hugs&kisses & tell them to play nice. This may have to be done many times but will work if your consistant with her in both households. Your the adults here & she must know respect. Keep a naughty spot & tell her what it is before the act is done. remember to be constant. be patient & it will work out. good luck
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Replying to:
My Goddaughter is constantly beating up on my daughter, Emma. Not normal kids stuff but BEATING on her. She pulls both of her ears and yanks her down to the ground and kicks her, she bites her face, fingers, neck and feet....she slaps her in the face and on the head, pushes her down from behind and steps on her, she throws toys at her and name it. Emma is scared of her and she is starting to run away if she even gets close to her and of course she starts crying hysterically. I'm at my wits end...I'm about to tell them to not bring her over here anymore. Emma is a sweet loving child and I don't want her picking up these habits or seriously getting hurt. HELP ME..what can be done?
I want to add that her parents are just as disgusted by it all and have tried everything from a firm tone to spanking and as soon as you let her go she's right back at it. These people are our best friends....and the girls are only four months apart.