I need help!! I'm a divorced mother of a 2 1/2 yr old son. Normally, he's a joy to be around but lately he's been hitting, biting, and talking back to his teachers at daycare. He's trying to push his boundaries w/ me. Prior to this I hadn't have very much trouble out of him. Please help. I don't know what to do!!
I am not a single mom, but I don't believe in the whole "Wait till I tell your father" thing. My son is 4, and recently went through a similar thing at his school/daycare. First, I talked in person to his teachers, to make sure that he wasn't getting bored, or being ignored by the teachers. Then, I made it clear to my son, that if he got a "note" (his school leaves notes for incidents), he wasn't allowed desert, and had to go to bed at the same time as his younger sisters. It took several nights of enforcing this ultimatum strictly, but it worked. Now, every night when I pick him up, he tells me proudly, "Mommy, I didn't get a note today!" If he goes a week without one, we go to McDonald's on Friday night for ice cream, two weeks, something else, etc.
I would say that your divorce has affected him and would try to see if your community may have a group that you both could go to to help him. I was 3 when my parents divorced and I remember how they would fight and I know that it affected me but I was too young to tell what was wrong.