Just need a bit of advice please, first of all i have been my stepdaughter's dad since she was 3 she is now 10, 11 in june. Since she has started primary school her behaviour at home has rapidly declined, dont get me wrong she is a model pupil at school, winning awards etc, the teachers say they cant get a better pupil. At home its getting to the point where
we are thinking of getting Social Services involved but we dont want to really go down that road. Some days it is better of just not talking to her in fear of getting abuse,screaming,tantrums,lies. when we try to speak to her about her behaviour she screams, talks back and it all ends up in tears, her little brother is getting upset with it and is copying her behaviour some times, we just need a bit of advice as we are at the end of our tether with her.
Maybe social services is a bit of a drastic move to make right away. It sounds like you're going through a heck of a lot with your step daughter, though, and I can understand that this would be extremely frustrating, especially when you are doing your best in the situation, so, as you mentioned, it may be a good idea to involve someone else. Maybe since your stepdaughter seems to have a positive attitude towards school you could speak with her school counsellor. The counsellor may be able to speak to your stepdaughter at school and help her to express how she feels, and also work with your whole family to ease things at home. I wish you all the very best!