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Playschool Traumers

Hi please give me some advice!

My little boy (2yrs & 9 months) started play school last week. He's only there 2 mornings. On the first day he cried when I left but was fine and didn't want to come home with me. The second day he cried again but was fine when I collected him. This week however he's been very tearful both mornings before we leave the house and for all the session. I feel terrible that he's so upset. He says he doesn't like it and doesn't like the ladies. He's usually very sociable and is used to being left 3 days a week with a childminder as I've worked part time since he was 6 months.

Am I just being oversensitive? I know that he's obviosuly not used to that sort of environment, will it just take time for him to adjust? I spoke to one of the carers there and she seems to think its all a bit overwhelming for him but I shouldn't worry he will settle down once he gets used to it. I spent a couple of mornings there before he started and although the children aren't the sort of kids he usually mixes with they all seem nice and get on well together.

I know this isn't a major problem compared to some things on here but its really worrying me and I would be grateful for any advice.

Thank you

Re: Playschool Traumers

try not to worry this is all very normal, im sure that after you have left he is happy! its very hard to leave a child when they say they are not happy some where my advice is when you have left ring atfer about 35 mins to see how he is, if he is playing without a care in the world you will know he is tring it on with you! your child needs to get used to this as soon he will be going to school!!!