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Should i raise my teenage sister and give her a chance

Iam a mother of 3 my oldest is 12, I also help my solo father who is getting old now, take care of my baby sister who is going on 14, She has been up to no good lately and this is causing conflict with my partner, i communicate in everyway i can with my partner to help him understand,as my My mother left her when she was about 10 so i kind of play the female figure in her life. Then there's this question who will take care of her when her father leaves her.In raising my own children everything is pretty good.So should my parther be more supportive or should i support my partners decission to leave her with her father?.

Re: Should i raise my teenage sister and give her a chance

I am a mother of one living with my partner. my oarents divorced and my mum nowe has moved far away and I am no longer in touch with my dad. My brother has been living with me since he was 16. Although we have had problems in the past - you have to understand that their attitude and the things that they get up to are part of growing up and also in some way part of letting go of some anger that they hold for what has happened to them.

All you can do is talk to her on a level without trying to patronise her and when she grows up, like my brother they realise how much you do for them and I love my brother being with us now.

and lets face it it probably gives us a bit of experience on dealing with our own kids when they are teenagers!!!!

Re: Re: Should i raise my teenage sister and give her a chance

you are all hicks and traler trash