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how do I stop this behavior?

Bill is four years old and has a huge curiosity with dumping things out. HE has dumped out sugar, flour, shampoo, toothpaste, dishwashing soap, wood glue...the list can continue. He has done this since he was about three. At first we just disregarded it as normal exploration. THe incedents were so infrequent that we did not feel it was necessary to start any plan of action. However, the past few weeks he has dumped wood glue all over the bathroom and hallway. Toys were ruined. I had him help me clean up and told him its not okay to dump stuff out. I explained that it was wasteful, created a big mess to clean up and ruined toys. He helped without complaint and said he wouldn't do it anymore. A week later he dumped Dawn all over his and his sister's bedroom. Bill is well supervised. These incedents occur in minutes. What is appropriate disapline for this kind of behavior? How can it be stopped?

Re: how do I stop this behavior?

get him a sandpit tell him if he wants to dump things out to do it in the sand pit he will grow out of it!!