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5yo daughter afraid

My daughter seems to be afraid of risks. She won't go down a slide even though her friends do. She is learning to ride a bike and did well until she fell. Did not hurt herself physically but when she got back on she wouldn't go more than 5 feet without braking. There are many other instances as well. Any suggestions to help her get over this. My main concern is that she won't trust her mother and I when we encourage her to do something.

Re: 5yo daughter afraid

I can only suggest that you take her to the park and allow her the freedom to play on the apparatus without pressure so that she can begin to develop her own level of confidence, gradually this will build and she may eventually feel able to go on a slide and enjoy other activities. She is only 5 and I would not be too concerned yet, but she needs to have some space to explore her limitations by herself. She may yet grow up to be a sky diver or a bungee jumper and you may end up eating your words yet!!! Good luck.

Re: Re: 5yo daughter afraid

good advice i agree with last message