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my 18 mos old won't sleep in crib any longer

I would like advice on getting our toddler, 18 mos old, son to sleep in his own crib/bed again. He used to go to bed shortly after we changed, him brushed his teeth etc, but the past 1.5 months he refuses to sleep in his crib and will cry for hours if we leave him in there. So we have resorted to having him sleep with us at night. As a result, he doesn't want to go to bed until we do which is sometimes after 11 p.m. While I enjoy snuggling with our son and tend to do this during the day while he naps I think we might be spoiling him and setting ourselves up for more problems in the future. Please send any advice you can offer to help in our situation so that we can all get a good nights rest in our own beds again.

Thank you,

Re: my 18 mos old won't sleep in crib any longer

I had the same problem with both my girls, they were actually a bit younger, but to get to the point you might want to try a toddler bed, once I got my girls one the problem was solved. I just told them that they needed to stay in their own (big girl) bed, and they were so excited to sleep in their new bed after that. I believe it made them feel special! Good luck