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Re: Family Size Survey- Please Help

The survey:

0. How many kids do you have? 3

1. Did financial considerations affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

2. Did space considerations affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

3. Did career considerations affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? Do both parents work? Are they still available for children?
im a single parent, attending a training program and children attend daycare and i start college this month

4. Would you say that the family size that you had growing up affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?no

5. Did any sort of health issues affect the amount of kids that you currently have? I so, how?no

6. Did fear of passing down genetic flaws (ex. higher risk for heart problems, etc.) affect the amount of kids you currently have? If so, how?

7. Did accidental pregnancy affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

8. Did any religious beliefs affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?no

9. Did fertility problems affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

10. Did inheritance of children affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

11. Did a desire for children of certain genders affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

12. Did loneliness affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

13. Did time constraints affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how?

14. Did you have “magic number” (an arbitrarily pre-decided number of kids that you desired) that affected the amount of kids that you currently have or are planning to have? If so, how?no

15. Do you plan having more kids in the future? If so, why?no, tubes tied after 3rd child, my decision

16. How many kids do you plan on having or want to have altogether?

17. Do you and your partner agree on the number of children you want?yes

Re: Family Size Survey- Please Help

The survey:

0. How many kids do you have? 3

1. Did financial considerations affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? yes ... we thought about having another but weighed up the cost of loosing money when i gave up work again and nappies etc etc and we really couldn't afford to do that again.

2. Did space considerations affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? yes ... we only have a 3 bedroomed place so if we had any more we would have to move house

3. Did career considerations affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? Do both parents work? Are they still available for children? yes ... well more for me as i want to also go back and do some training for a job but can't do it if we had another baby.

4. Would you say that the family size that you had growing up affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? not really .... there were 3 in our family and 3 in ours but i always wanted 4 kids.

5. Did any sort of health issues affect the amount of kids that you currently have? I so, how? well yes - i have a rare blood group and was told not to have any more than 4 as it would have major prob;ems for me and the 5th child - possibly 4th baby too

6. Did fear of passing down genetic flaws (ex. higher risk for heart problems, etc.) affect the amount of kids you currently have? If so, how? no

7. Did accidental pregnancy affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? my first was accidental ... so no

8. Did any religious beliefs affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? no

9. Did fertility problems affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? no

10. Did inheritance of children affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? no

11. Did a desire for children of certain genders affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? well kind of ... we both wanted another boy and my hubby was "worried" it would be a girl if we tried again ... we have 2 girls and thought 2 boysd would be great - we have one already.

12. Did loneliness affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? no

13. Did time constraints affect the amount of kids that you currently have? If so, how? no

14. Did you have “magic number” (an arbitrarily pre-decided number of kids that you desired) that affected the amount of kids that you currently have or are planning to have? If so, how? i have always wanted 4 since i have been in my early 20's ... but that hasn't happened that way.

15. Do you plan having more kids in the future? If so, why? i woulld of liked another one but my husband does not so i have ajusted to not having another and have foscued on other things

16. How many kids do you plan on having or want to have altogether? we have 3 and thats it.

17. Do you and your partner agree on the number of children you want? no we didn't agree on it at first but now i have resided to the fact he doesn't want any more and i have planned for other things in my life now.

Re: Family Size Survey- Please Help

Thanks, guys.

Anyone else?