Hi sorry to hear you are having so many problems but it does sound like classic attention seeking behaviour. Ignoring bad behaviour (where you can, I know this is not always possible) and praising the good behaviour as much as you can. Sometimes we can forget to praise our children when they are being good so they revert to bad to get attention.
I know you said you have given him more attention but do you do any special outing with him. Just you and Nathan? Maybe just go to the park, movies, zoo, anything that is fun and special occasionally.
How about trying a reward chart. Put a sticker or stamp on the chart whenever he is being good and give him a reward when he reaches ten like a small toy or book.
Failing all of this I would look at this diet. Low sugar and cut out as many preservatives as possible. A poor diet can send some kids feral. A great Australian site is www.fedupwithfoodadditives.info In Australia there is particularly bad preservative called 282 here which is an anti mould preservative found in breads, refridgerated pasta, cakes etc. I cut this out of my daughter's diet and after a week the improvement in her behaviour was amazing. It doesn't work for every child but certainly worth a try.