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3's a crowd in both rooms! need toddler to sleep in own bed.

Alright my problem is that I have two 2 year olds and a 10 month old. All their beds are in 1 room. However we are a blended family. There is me, my fiance' his 2 year old, my 2 year old and our 10 month old. My daughter had always slept in my room until we met and once we met she did very well in her own room. Then she shared a room with her 2 year old step sister (thy are 6 months apart) and she did fine with that. I did sleep training for a while and finally she would fall asleep on her own after I had our daughter who is now 10 months old. HOWEVER the problem now is that she is wanting to sleep with mommy and daddy and we are very frustrated with it. I never really minded it but he always has and now I understand why.. I mean how much time alone do we ever get? During the day we are with our girls andat night now we have one with us..not much romance left there! I just don't understand why she wouldnt be comfortable in their room since they all are in there you'd hink she'd be fine but if I wait until she sleeping and move her in there then she will get up mid-night and come to my bed. I've even put her and my other 2 years olds bed togther to mae a big one so shed have somebody there if she woke up but it doesn't work she wants mommy. I've tried stuffed animals, baby dolls, and now her own sisters lol I dont know what to do! Besides that I'm trying to potty train two 2 year olds at the same time break mine from a bottle as well and get her in her own bed. I realize I cant do all at once so I've been working on the bed thing but I'm just tired and frustrated PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!