Yes my son watches this, he is 2 1/2yrs.
I think it is extremely bizarre.
My son is hypnotised by it. He can sit for over 30 mins just starring at the television not moving.
I can't comment whether its educational, I tend to put it on when I need to get the housework done!
I wouldn't say it got him off the couch more like puts him in a trance! And then for the rest of the day all he says is "Zing zing zing bar" - Whatever thats supposed to mean? Please enlighten me!
Re: Re: Boohbah & childrens tv. Is it educational?
My son watches it and he loves it but i dont see any educational value it in at all, he doesnt get on his feet he just sits there hypnotised by it! im trying to encourage him to watch other things instead, personally i think its a load of rubbish and that there is no excuse for kids tv not to be educational and fun these days.