Hi, lm bryan and l would like to seek advise or help. My wife just gave birth a month ago and she has finished her confiment period. As a chinese we have different ways and tips of taking care of baby for instance while bathing the baby all windows should be closed in order not to let air goes inside the baby's body which will cause s/he sick or uncomfortable.
Well, my problem is since me and my wife come from different dilect group although we are chinese our parents have different ways of taking care of the baby. My wife believes her mother's teaching but my monther has her own way which create conflicts. Since my mum is not staying with us but she will pay a visit once in a while. Please advise how to resolve the relationship between my mum and my wife and since both me and my wife is working, what shall be the best way to settle the baby sitting issue? Thanks
Hello Bryan, it seems to me that you should allow your wife to bring up the baby in the way she is most comfortable with, if your wife tries to use a method she is not familiar with then your baby will most likely suffer. Talk to your mother and ask her to respect your wishes and to support you and your wife in the manner in which you are both accustomed. Acknowledge your mum's expertise but explain also that you do not wish to hurt or upset her. Tell her you hope she will understand and ask her to try and support you and your wife in the way you have chosen to look after her grandaughter. After all you all have the baby's best interest at heart. Take care and good luck.