My oldest son is 6 years old. He started kindergarten this year, and my husband and I are really concerned about his behaviors. He started misbehaving last spring, and things seem to have escalated. He has a very explosive temper; he gets so upset over tiny things. When he gets upset he screams, growls, throws things, cries. He's even kicked me and once hit his little sister in the face several time with a straw. He was very close to poking her eye out, she bled from this and had a black eye. Lately, he's been hitting himself when he gets angry or frustrated. I noticed a bald spot on his head the other day, and my husband and I caught him pulling his hair and eyebrows yesterday. His teacher says she believes he has low self esteem because he seems afraid to speak up in class and seems very unsure of himself and what he is learning. I think that he thinks if he isn't the best in the class at a certain skill, he isn't good enough. We are at our wits end, and I'm really worried. I'm a special ed teacher and I would hate to see him end up the way I've seen other kids end up. Any ideas??
check out this book by john gottman- i have posted on it before! many a time! it sounds like your son is having a lot of anger and frustration, but he doesnt know good ways to deal with these feelings. thats where he needs your help as a parent to 'coach' him through these feelings and teach him good, non destructive ways to deal with his anger etc. thats what this book is all about. it teaches you how to help him with his emotions, feelings and it emphasises the point that its FINE to have these feelings and emotions. they are perfectly normal-whats not fine is to deal with them by hurting others or himself. This book teaches you how to teach him these principles, in a way he will understand. i highly recommend the book, it includes quizzes and tests you can do to see what kind of parent you are and where you can improve to help your child, i know it sounds like im trying to sell the book but honestly its only because i know how well it really works!! good luck!!